Globally, the buildings sector consumes more than half of all electricity for heating, cooling and lighting and accounts for 28 percent of energy-related greenhouse-gas emissions..
The green buildings sector represents a $24.7 trillion investment opportunity by 2030 across all emerging market cities with a population of more than half a million people.
Most of this investment potential—$17.8 trillion—lies in East Asia Pacific and South Asia,
where more than half of the world’s urban population will live in 2030.
The investment opportunity in residential construction, estimated at $15.7 trillion, represents 60 percent of the market.
There is a strong business case for growing the green buildings market.
Emerging evidence indicates that green buildings, or buildings that use energy and water more efficiently, are a higher-value, lower-risk asset than standard structures. While building green could range from savings of 0.5 percent to 12 percent in additional costs...
green buildings can decrease operational costs by up to 37 percent, achieve higher sale premiums of up to 31 percent and faster sale times, have up to 23 percent higher occupancy rates, and have higher rental income of up to 8 percent.#
Author: International Finance Corporation (2019). Green Buildings | A Finance and Policy Blueprint